Saturday, 7 May 2011

Changes are on the way ....

Since pretty much a year of neglect, I'm going to start regular posts (I can't even say 'again' really can I).

Standby for changes.....


Monday, 24 May 2010

Introducing .... Arthur

My latest shoot involved this adorable little fella - Arthur the Springer Spaniel. As good as gold (although a touch camera shy until the tennis ball came out) Arthur was great fun to shoot. I love springers, mad as hatters, they sum up what being a dog is all about. The floppy ears and scraggly hair make them very photogenic (oddly enough all of this brown tufts were nearly three times as long as the which patches).

More after the break::

Monday, 10 May 2010

Hartham Park Estate Shoot - Exteriors

Following on from last week's interiors post, here are the exterior shots from Hartham Park. A curious place in a beautiful setting with one of only two playable Stické (Indoor?) Tennis courts left in the UK. The Georgian manor was built on the grounds of a Tudor farm in the 19th Century it's a pretty special place. They even used to grow pineapples!  It's great the the estate is being put to a good use (office rental) so that the building can be maintained.

Piccies after the jump::

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Hartham Park Estate Shoot - Interiors

I had the fortunate opportunity to shoot a glorious stately-home-come-modern-office over the weekend. A fantastic Georgian mansion that has been converted to operate as some rather flash serviced offices. Full of giant staircases, fireplaces, wall to wall oil paintings of former owners, it's a sight to behold; however it doubles a 'togs nightmare with high ceilings eating flash power and dark nooks and crannies throwing shadows everywhere like an episode of Trapdoor.

Did I mention I also work there?

Photos after the jump::